
Rebaking the Cookie

A guide to privacy-safe online video advertising

Discussions about the death of third-party cookies continue. Even as Google’s decisions change, they continue to encourage privacy-safe alternatives to the cookie, and pressure mounts for advertisers and publishers alike to find replacement solutions. 

The question remains: what is the perfect recipe for targeting success in a post-cookie world? 

Rebaking the Cookie: A Guide to Privacy-Safe Online Video Advertising is our latest industry resource that explores key insights which both publishers and advertisers need to know to prepare for the cookieless future.

Plus, we’ve included thoughts and insights about the topic from more than a dozen industry leaders and a shortlist of the key ingredients you need to craft a winning video ad strategy.

Download the guide

What’s inside

  • 4 data recipes publishers and advertisers should know
  • Best practices for whipping up cookieless success
  • How to measure campaigns like a master chef
  • The next course: Cookies today, IPs tomorrow

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Rebaking the Cookie - example page

Rebaking the Cookie - example page

Rebaking the Cookie - example page