Upload |
Manual upload via platform |
API upload |
YouTube import |
Video properties |
Title |
Tags |
Description |
Thumbnail (still) |
Author |
Clickthrough URL |
Thumbnail sizing on platform |
Auto-generated thumbnails |
Manually uploaded thumbnail |
Custom key values |
Thumbnail (motion) |
Content Management |
Embed video |
Delete and edit video assets |
Create playlist |
Create dynamic playlist |
Embed playlist |
API for playlist creation and management |
Player Management |
Create player |
Colors |
Logo |
Float on scroll |
Auto-pause when out of view or not in focus |
Auto-start when in view |
Sticky player |
Video recommendations |
Subtitles |
Premium third-party library |
Pagination |
Personalization (e.g. history, watchlist, branding, etc.) |
SDKs (including IMA SDK integration) |
Monetization |
Header bidding |
Instream |
Ad pods |
Real-time AI bid optimization |
Self-serve publisher demand publisher |
Outstream |
Digital ad insertion marking |
Auto-pause when out of view or not in focus |
Auto-start when in view |
Reporting |
Video analytics per video and playlist |
Revenue dashboard (unified) |
Demand management dashboard |
Log level reporting |
API reporting |
Custom report creation |
Demand Integration |
Tags |
Prebid |
Open RTB |
Google IMA |
Amazon TAM |
Privacy & Compliance |
GDPR compliant |
IAB compliant |
CCPA compliant |
VAST 4.3 compliant |
Accessibility |
Close captioning |
Talkback |
VoiceOver |
Keyboard controls on desktop web |
Devices and environments |
Desktop |
Tablet |
Mobile |
Responsive web |
Chromecast |
AirPlay |
Windows / Android |
Mac / iPhone |
Web view in-app |
Native in-app SDK |